Heeeeeeere’s Hannah Nicole

Sunday, January 24, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Baby New Year appeared out of nowhere and she had tons of fun with the Butterfields when they came out for the Rose Bowl. My cousins Brian and Ben play for the Ducks. Shhhh, don't mention that they lost the Rose Bowl this year. We are still not discussing it in this household. Brian's workout season is still not over, he was bench pressing me. He didn't even break a sweat and poor Ben and his g/f Amy took a beating when I played trampoline on their backs. We celebrated Traci's b-day too!!!!! Hey, why didn't I get a pic with my favorite---Uncle Bill????


Jenna said...

How funny Robin. My whole family came down for the Rose Bowl and yes it was a sore subject to talk about when they lost. But it still was an amazing experience going to the game!!