WHHHOOO HOOOO!!!!! What fun!!! My fellow Petite Ya-Ya, Abby turned a whoppin' ten years old!!!! I had such fun at her bowling party. Forget the bowling, I had my first WHOLE piece of pizza and cake!!!! Hangin' with my pal, the Petite Yo-Yo, Jack was a blast!!!! His Mom Kirsten and Paul are about to have another Petite Ya-Ya Katie in less than a month now!!!! I can't wait to meet her.....and not be the youngest!!!!!
I was born on 3/8/07 at 2:56 p.m. I weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz and was 19 inches long. My mommy went through 18 hours of labor. Thankfully the epidural helped her out!! I can't wait to meet all of my new family and friends!! Come by to visit me soon!!
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