Heeeeeeere’s Hannah Nicole

Monday, November 5, 2007

BAAAAAAUTIFUL!!!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! As you can see, it took an army to get me dressed.....all I want is a diaper and maybe a onesie and I am happy!!!!! What is all this extra, extra they always want to dress me up in.....I'm not so sure about this Halloween stuff yet......OH, but the older kids tell me to wait another year and the good stuff comes!!!!!! Thank goodness Aunt Chelle and Aunt Brenda were there. Without them, Mommy would have had a nervous breakdown getting me ready!!!! We went by our neighbor Uncle Scott's for my first TRICK-OR-TREATING experience.....how fun......I say we should have rang the door bell and ran for it......oh wait, I'm not that fast yet....a crawl might not have done it!!!!! There is always next year!!!!